“Herd Effect” – The phenomenon that a person’s behavior is influenced by other people’s behavior and thus behaves in a consistent manner is like a flock of sheep. Where the first sheep leads, the sheep behind blindly follows regardless if there will be wolves or greener grass on the side.
Tag: Investment
Bullseye Financial Welcomes Sr. Financial Advisor, Mr. Steve Miley
We’re very excited in the announcement of Mr. Steve Miley, the Founder and Director of The Market Chartist, joining Bullseye Financial Ltd. in a Senior Investment Advisor capacity. Steve has over 30 years of financial market experience. He also serves as the Editor-in-Chief for FXExplained.co.uk and co-founder of TradeDay.com. Steve spent most of his career… Continue reading Bullseye Financial Welcomes Sr. Financial Advisor, Mr. Steve Miley
[BSFX Research Report] 2022 Market Outlook Adds Wings to Your Investment
In our 2021 year-end review, we took a look at the significant events that financial markets have experienced in the past year. In the following article, we share with you the investment strategy and achievements of our BSFX team in 2021. With the arrival of the brand New Year 2022, we also hope to share… Continue reading [BSFX Research Report] 2022 Market Outlook Adds Wings to Your Investment
美国资本市场经过了漫长的牛市后,又迎来了“拜登时代”,市场普遍预测牛市将得以持续,虽然行业板块有所轮换。反观欧洲市场,数年来落后于美国市场,在脱欧尘埃落定,欧央行抛出一轮又一轮刺激政策的前景下,欧洲资本市场能否赶超美国市场?博思金融的观点是:赶超美国资本市场可能性不大,但部分行业会成为下一轮热点;在绿色能源行业之外,欧洲奢侈品行业会成为下一个投资热点。 中国的强劲复苏以及各品牌强于预期的营收,预期会推动欧洲奢侈品行业股票如LVMH(路易.威登集团)、Hermes International (爱马仕国际)和Kering SA (开云集团)持续上涨。在过去两个月,这些品牌的股价都已经再创历史新高。由于其强劲的增长,一些投资者已经将其比肩于美国高科技行业。例如黑岩集团欧洲动力基金的负责人Giles Rothbarth。 我们不认为欧洲的奢侈品行业能够真正比肩以Faang为代表的美国高科技行业,毕竟行业属性也非常不同。但如果投资者有意愿投资欧洲市场,该行业的确是较好的选择。 Richemont (历峰集团),拥有Cartier(卡地亚)等奢侈品牌,是该行业中第一个披露2020年四季度营收的。得益于疫情封闭,不能旅行的人们更多花费在网购奢侈品牌上,该集团披露了远超于预期的收益。LVMH(路易.威登集团),将于1月27日预报去年四季度营收。市场普遍预期该集团也将披露远超于预期的数据,旗下Dior (迪奥)和LV两大品牌将贡献良多。 下图揭示了自2019年初至2021年初,路易.威登集团股价与泛欧指数和标普奢侈品行业指数的增长比较。可见其表现不仅远好于泛欧指数,也一直优于美国市场的同类竞争者。 下表展示了各品牌间的股价增长比较。可以看出,路易.威登集团一枝独秀。尤其是该集团又刚刚收购了美国珠宝品牌Tiffany & Co., (蒂芙尼),被普遍认为是高品质、为多样化阶层提供奢侈品牌的代表。其表现远超产品单一的其他品牌,如Burberry (巴宝莉), Hugo Boss(雨果博思)等等。 公司名称 过去三年股价增长 LVMH (路易.威登集团) 103.01% Kering SA (开云集团) 47.92% Dior SE (迪奥) 37.23% Burberry Group (巴宝莉) 5.35% 预计该集团会继续受益于中国的强劲复苏和中高阶层在增加的消费能力。疫情下的封闭措施,又为以该集团为代表的奢侈品行业提供了绝佳的提高销售价格、降低成本的机会。预计在 2021年,欧洲奢侈品行业会继续乘风破浪,成为投资欧洲市场的良好选择。 文:吴凌凌(博思金融CEO)